
Tuesday 13 March 2012

My Story about Dr Ben Carson

Do you know Dr Ben Carson?
Well the Year 5 - 8 students went to the Telstra Clear Pacific
Events Centre to hear him speak.

Ben Carson talked about his movie that he made and it was in 1961.
It was about a little boy that was the dummest in his class.

He got bulled one day because they were doing this class thing and
he got all his answers wrong.On that lunch time the bully came and he
made him angry and then he punched him in the face with the lock for his

He made the bully ended up with a stitch on his mouth and the parents of
the bully was angry.The little boys mum came and talk to the principal and
the principal explained what happened at school.
   They started walking home and the mum was mad at him and he said the
he is dum but the mum said the he isn’t dum like that.As they got home he
went and watch T.V and the mum saw him and went to turn off the T.V.

He started studying and he said to his mum that he wants to be a doctor
in the future so he worked harder and harder until he was the brainiest in
his class and he finally got a D for his report because those other days he
kept on getting a F and E for his report.

He grew up and started working as a hospital doctor. This man came to him
and said if he can go to this country to go and see these two identical twins.
The two twins head was stuck together and the brain of the baby's were halved
and stuck together.

The mother of the baby’s cried because the doctor said that he isn’t going to fixed
the baby’s head.After he thought about it and he went to that man and said yes
he is going to fixed the baby’s head so he work with some doctors and he tried his
best to fix it and he did it,he fix the brain and the head.

People started calling him the best neural Sergent in the world because he fixed
the split the identical twins head in to two child's.He made the mother of the baby’s
happy and excited that she wanted to see her twins.

Dr Ben Carson is a famous person because he fixed the two identical twins head
and that is how he became famous and the world’s best neural Sergent.

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